Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The rest of Lauren's Crew....

Thanks for inviting me into your beautiful home to capture these lovely natural images of your gorgeous kiddies - hope you are as happy with them as l am!

Will let you know when your proofs are ready...


Monday, July 28, 2008

Bailey strikes again... (yes, really!)

Well, yesterday we had a trip to the hospital with Bailey - nothing too serious, just a small case of something stuck too far up your nose (as you do).... they were really good at the hospital, didn't take long to get in.... but the thing he put up his nose had disappeared.... waiting to see if he swallowed it (yes, please) or inhaled it (no, thankyou!)..... did l mention l was going grey??!!

On another topic, here are some photos of my new bathroom (l LOVE it!). My huband did nearly all of the work himself and l couldn't be prouder...


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sneak peek for Jo (part 2)....

Okay, just a few more.....

these are the exact sme images from below,with a closer crop- it just depends on what you like. working on those proofs now!

Again , these are cute, cute, CUTE!


Sneak peek for Jo.....

Oh, Jo..... l feel so sorry for you......

I had trouble picking a couple to go on the blog, so l can only imagine the dilemma you have facing you! There are so many cute ones (so good luck with that!!)

Here is your adorable little Miss E



mmm, this beanie is yum!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Babies of a different kind....

Only 5 weeks old and so so sweet. Gorgeous little cavalier king charles spaniels....mmmmm, love that new puppy smell.

I was tempted to try and sneak one out in my coat (but l think she would have noticed).

Makes me want a new puppy!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Another teaser for Bronnie...

Just to keep you going til l see you next.....

there were so many good ones! (good luck chosing a fave!!)


Love the pose in this one...
Sweet, sweet close ups....

She's gorgeous, Bron!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

He's still got seven lives....

Oh, Bailey,Bailey, Bailey!

He used up another one of his lives last night.

His first life was used on a dog bite to his face, which he came away from mostly unscathed. A trip to emergency and a couple of scars to remember it by. He was lucky it missed his eye - that's what happens when little boys think dogs are horses, l guess.

Well, last night he was supposed to be in bed sleeping (yeah, right!), he snuck in to our room and must have tried to climb up? the tallboy. Well, it fell on top of him!! I heard him cry out for me and went to investigate....

Luckily for him, the double bed was right behind him, so he was not crushed to the floor by this giant chest of drawers....again he escaped injury by the skin of his teeth.....and l think l found a few more grey hairs!!

Speaking of the child who may or may not have been fathered by the devil....!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dancing queen....

Here is Kaitlynn putting a new tutu through it's paces! Some of the clothes you see on this blog are mine and are available for your photo sessions.

More for Tammy....

Here it is - second instalment for Tammy. The cheeky little Mr L, and doesn't he just have the coolest bed in the universe for a little boy (wish tam was my mum when l was growing up LOL).


This one.....
Or this one??.... (canvas for the wall perhaps??)

One with big sis (this was about as close together as we could get them-LOL)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sneak peek for Bronnie....

Well, l have to tell you, out of all my friends l think l've known Bronnie the longest (we went to kinder together!!)!!

Now here we are full circle with our own kids in kinder and school!

This is the delightful little Miss S, she is gorgeous and such a poser!
Miss S is also celebrating turning 1 (that's two in 1 day). HAPPY B'DAY!

Love them, love them - hope you do too, Bronnie.

Sneak peek for Lauren....

Lauren, here is your little firecracker! Little Miss R is sooo cute. And Lauren, l don't know how you do it, but you seem to manage 4 very well. Happy 1st b'day to miss R.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Charli, Charli, Charli...

Here's a question for other photographer parents out there..... do you have as much trouble as l do some days??

Quite frankly, l end up disappointed with the results a lot of the time. I see something in my head about what it will look like, a new location or something, and end up with a child who refuses to do anything remotely like l had in my mind. It is MUCH easier working with other peoples children..... at least they're nice to me!

Here's Charli, after a battle of wills she gave me a couple of goodies (maybe she thought l would leave her on location - don't know where she got that idea?!)


Friday, July 11, 2008

Sneak peek for Emma & Natalie....

Well, l had three sessions yesterday and this is the last of the proofs for those.

This gorgeous little miss C is just to die for. As pretty as her mummy...

She hated the hat and couldn't wait to get it off! Too Cute...