Where did the time go?
And now here he is, 3 years old. I'm hoping with this comes a touch of common sense, and maybe easing back his pedal on the metal!
So here he is, on his birthday....

Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!!
I believe he might be preparing for his Australian Idol audition......he certainly has enough confidence to do ANYTHING!
Luckily for me you get glimpses of a really beautiful boy, he gives great cuddles and loves with ALL of his heart. It helps he has really cute dimples too.....
I think l might keep him!!
Here's Kaitlynn - lookin' purdy!
Just to clarify - l have never had this hairdo or looked quite this bad!! LOL
Charli had her birthday yesterday (4 years old), will post some of her photos in the next few days....
Have been thinking of you, Sheye, all this past week.
With love,