what are you grateful for? do you ever just stop and take stock of all the wonderful things you have, or do you get sidetracked with the wishing and wanting of all the things you don't?
l am grateful, so grateful, that l have a husband who l love and who loves me back, that l have three healthy, happy children.
And that's it. l have everything l need right there in reach. we don't have heaps of money or fancy cars, but it doesn't matter. l am lucky to have what l have (and lucky to know it).
how do you tell someone you don't know that they changed your life without it sounding bizarre, l wonder?
to the wonderful sheye rosemeyer, http://sheyerosemeyer.blogspot.com/ who writes so beautifully and whose photos show so much life and movement, l must say you move me, and l am changed.
thankyou for showing me l have everything l need right here in my arms. may your life get easier day by day, and the memory of your superprincess never fade.
L xx
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